Monday, May 7, 2007

Nathan's Stalker Here

I was sitting in my chair staring at a picture of Petrelli. It was very difficult to get this photo. Of course my camera battery went dead after I got it and I missed the really good stuff that blackmail opportunities are made of... What happened in that room with Saka, would make a porn star blush. You can go to and find out more about that situation. Anyway, as I was saying, I was staring at a photo of Petrelli and wondering what I could do to torture him today. Then it dawned on me. Nathan is so conceited, he would hate it if I talked about someone else on his blog.... He can be such a pr%$k. After a few hours of comptemplation, I decided Sylar is a pretty good topic. What can I say about him...Unusual...Killer....looks great in high heels. Maybe it would be a good idea to warn Sylar about something.

Sylar, if you're out there, I want you to know if you kill Nathan before I have a chance to snap and do it myself, I will be forced to stalk you instead. I have already browsed through your panty drawer and to prove my point I replaced your panties with boxers. I even went on-line to see if I can find additional information on you for future use. It turns out there is a large proportion of people out there who find you stimulating. Who would have guessed?? Some of these people, are even hoping you will steal Mohinder's heart?? Go figure there too... I guess that accounts for this banner I saw in one of the forums. Did you make this banner?


Adam Monroe said...

Personally I prefer "Mylar". But it IS totally canon.

Congressman Nathan Petrelli said...

--Stalker here--
If you and Peter got together, you would PetEm. lol

Anonymous said...

But I'm your stalker! I don't even remember making that post!

Oh God, I'm turning into Jessica/Niki only I don't have blonde hair and a husband who uses rice cookers to make bologna sandwiches! ;_;

What is this world coming to?!

~ Lana

Sarah Summers said...

I think that Mohinder and Peter go together a bit better tho. They could have ridiculously long conversations about philosophy and whatever come up.

Congressman Nathan Petrelli said...

--Stalker here--Not the Russian one--Unless I am a part of her alter ego and I don't know it.--

Mohinder and Peter--- MoEter --- lol That's funny too.

Sarah Summers said...


Congressman Nathan Petrelli said...

MopeHinder--Sounds Emo to me...

Sarah Summers said...

I'm glad you heard it. i generally have the bad luck of people not hearing the words the way i hear them. you made my day!

Adam Monroe said...

Oh, hey, stalker. Just wondering, have you considered marriage counseling?

As for the names: How about Moheter...or Peinder...or Mohinathater.

Just kidding about that last one.


Congressman Nathan Petrelli said...

Mohinathater. It reminds me of terminator. lol

what do you mean marriage counciling. I'm not married that is how I have time to stalk Nathan.

Adam Monroe said...

Well, I figure you have problems at home somehow ^_^

How do you find time to stalk Nathan anyway?

Aerdnaalimac said...

I vote for "Mohinter" (pete/Mohinder)

Congressman Nathan Petrelli said...

As it is with most stalkers, I have given up my day job and devoted myself to my obssession. Of course, it will all end when I finally snap and take his life. Quite sad actually, but that is just how the stalker business works.

Sarah Summers said...

do you have a plan for when you snap? like, who ur gonna stalk next or whatnot?

Congressman Nathan Petrelli said...

I've gotten rid of my stalker for now, so he can't respond to any more post. I will be here ever so often to check up on things though...

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