Friday, April 27, 2007

I'm Nathan's Stalker Today... and Your's Tomorrow....

Hello...THIS IS NATHAN'S STALKER...He is a moron...A sexy moron, but a moron none the less. He doesn't even know the difference between Mohinder and the Real Mohinder....I mean really of them is a lizard. He also has a bunch of idiots working for him.They can't figure out how to delete all the things I have added to his site...Like the Bush smileys and the Nathan Petrelli Make Out music.... Muhhaaaaa.....

I searched the internet to see if I could find any other people who would be willing to stalk him when I am busy with other business. At the moment, this is the only candidate for the job...(video deleted by stalker)

****Well back to square one.**** I eliminated the last potential stalker, he was giving me the creeps.


Adam Monroe said...

That is so mean. >=O

Congressman Nathan Petrelli said...

Em: Nathan's stalker here...
Think it's too much, do you?..Just for you, I shall remove it...That and upon reflection, the guy gives me the creeps.

Adam Monroe said...

Oh ok, thanks! You're quite reasonable for a stalker.

Professor Xavier said...

I just realized you weren't included on the group e-mails for LGS. Sorry. Can you do the Memorabilia part of the hunt? Everyone else has selected something. Unfortuately I can't access my home e-mail at work.

Congressman Nathan Petrelli said...

A little known fact indicates stalkers approach most situations with reason. Except toward their victims.

I think I will turn Nathan's mood music back on...Soon...he will be right where I want him.

Campaign Photos "Click on the album and then roll the mouse across the picture for captions."