Saturday, March 31, 2007

New Skills

My Fellow Citizens:

I must apologize for taking so long to post to my regular blog. I have been busy with Linderman and such…Considering that I am stuck in Vegas for a little while longer, I thought I would make good use of the time and learn some new skills. When you look at me, I know you wonder why I want to add yet another skill to my long list of attributes. You see an incredibly good-looking man with a lot going for him, and you are correct on both counts.

However, it occurs to me that the world is changing in ways that I don’t believe I can share with you at this time. Consequently, I find myself in a position where I feel it would be in my best interest to become a master at Ka-ray-tay. Yes, my friends, I have enlisted a master to teach me the art of Ka-ray-tay. He is helping me get in touch with my inner Confucius.

The training is coming along well. I had my Master take a picture of me. I hope you like it. I had to doctor the picture. It turns out that it really isn’t a good idea to wear loose shorts and raise your leg up like that.

Well so long for now. I hope to talk to you again soon.

Nathan Petrelli
Future Congressman


Mr. Bennet said...

You may be handsome, and know ka-ra-tay, and have a smile that could deflect lightsabers, but I still have two things you don't (three if you count the horned rims). I'm a novel writer and I have better pajamas than you.

Congressman Nathan Petrelli said...

Thanks for the compliment about my smile. Many men envy me for it. However, I take exception to the pajamas comment. I knew you didn't mean it when you said you were sorry. So take this...(Ka-ra-tay CHOP...To your side burn head.)

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

Did he really teach you ka-ra-tay or did he just make you wax his car and stuff?

Congressman Nathan Petrelli said...

Well...My Jedi Master...I mean teacher said that waxing the car was an object lesson...Whatever that means.

Heidi Petrelli said...

You are very handsome. Have you tried yoga?

Congressman Nathan Petrelli said...

Thank you Hoxhording. I haven't tried yoga. Do you know something about it?

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