Friday, August 24, 2007

My sincerest regrets

Several months have passed and it occurs to me, I have not lived up to a few promises. I was going to blog, participate in a few challenges and the like, but I never quite made it. In fact, I haven't been on the ball with my own blog either. I'm deeply ashamed...sort of...

Really, if you expected more from me, it is your own fault for putting your faith in a politician... Just kidding...sort of...

I don't want to make promises again, but I will try to knock out a few more post before Sept. 29, 2007...not that anything out of the ordinary is happening on that day. You will certainly see no flying or dying or any other mysterious happenings. Nope, everything will be perfectly normal...sort of...

On a side note, if anyone could spare a razor, I'd appreciate it. The new look has been interfering with my ability to pick up chicks.

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Professor Xavier said...

That is a might manly beard you have there, my friend.

Congressman Nathan Petrelli said...

Why thank you. I have more testosterone than the average man. Sadly, the chicks don't appreciate.

Heidi Petrelli said...

What did I tell you about facial hair? Bad,no,bad!
I should of married Peter when I had a chance.
Btw,moved out took your sons with me.

Congressman Nathan Petrelli said...

Well all I can say to that Heidi, is pass the bourbon.

Veronica Leon said...

Baby! Why aren't you in BTD anymore??? =( Are you that depressed???? hmm.... maybe you're too drunk to post. Anyway! Hope you're alright!

Congressman Nathan Petrelli said...

Yes. The depression it is too much, but I shall try to carry on soon.

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