Hello to all. I haven’t blogged here in a while. I’ve been devoting most of my blog time to the Burnt Toast Diner. I’ve decided, however, that I need to change things around a bit. I’m not the same man I used to be; and I think my blog should reflect these changes. Over the next few weeks, I’ll get around to explaining what has been going on in my life. Until that time, let me catch you up on a few things. Lately, everyone has been commenting on my drinking problem…as if they wouldn’t drink if they lost their only brother in an explosion. Pishh, whatever.
The silver lining for my problem is... I just found out Peter didn’t die after all…It makes my drinking a little pointless. Of course, now I’ve developed this problem with it and even worse than that, I’ve been having extreme moments of emo. I think I was subconsciously channeling Pete…My little Pete. SQUEE!!! He is alive! Muhaaaa. I love the world right now! Naturally,